For links to integrated K-12 civics lessons in all non-social studies disciplines, see 15. Interdisciplinary Lessons.

  1. Pedagogical Frameworks” and Philosophical Underpinnings
  2. Curricular Frameworks“: Common Curricular Frameworks, Structures and Traditions in the K-12 Proposal:
  3. Civic Literacy“: Research proves that civic literacy is essential to academic achievement
  4. Pedagogical Advantages“: Classroom Level
  5. Administrative Advantages“: District Level
  6. National Standards” National Civics Standards
  7. Cognitive underpinnings“: Bruner and Erickson, the Minds Behind the Method
  8. K-8 Civics
  9. High School Civics
  10. General Pedagogy” General Social Studies Pedagogy
  11. The “Political Spectrum“: Pedagogy
  12. Service Learning
  13. Instructional Keys” The Keys to Effective Civics Instruction
  14. Voting” Every student votes! District-Wide All School Voting in Mock Elections
  15. Interdisciplinary Lessons” Lesson Plans and Websites for Interdisciplinary lessons with Civics