Articles about Civics for All
Raising a voter: Tips for talking to your kids about politics and the election
Posted on Seattle Child’s
Mock Elections at Ballard
Mock Elections at Ballard High School Engage Students in Civic Participation
Effort to boost our civics IQ is sorely needed
Students in Washington state get too little instruction on basic civics, from constitutional rights to how government functions.
What’s the purpose of our Bill of Rights? Most eighth-graders have no idea
To show kids why their voices matter, Seattle will amp up voter-education lessons for all grade levels.
Tireless quest for more civics instruction winning backers …
Legislators in both the Seattle City and King County councils endorse Civics for All initiative that incorporates more civics into Washington’s public school curriculum.
King County Council Votes Unanimously to Support Civics for All!
County and Seattle City Council boost “Civics for All” initiative for Seattle Schools
Civics for All Resolution
Today, the Seattle City Council unanimously adopted a Resolution I sponsored in support of an initiative called Civics for All.
Civics For All Pilot
Originally published on Friday, April 11, 2014, Published by Chelsea Clark, Robert Singleton, and Melanie
Want kids to care about school? Teacher says civics are the key
According to national studies, 75 percent of high school seniors cannot name a power granted to Congress by the Constitution, and fewer than half of eighth graders tested understand the purpose of the Bill of Rights. “Your future called. It wants a better civics education.”
Your future called. It wants a better civics education. A new national initiative is looking at demographic shifts and asking the question: Should schools go back to teaching good old fashioned civics again? … Some are blaming this voting apathy on the lack of quality civics education in our schools. Like South Lake High School […]
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